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Call for papers


Articles for RAMBAM

We are looking for articles about Jewish life in the province for the next issue of RAMBAM magazine


In 2022, 400 years of Jewish life in Denmark will be marked with a number of activities across the country. One of the initiatives was a traveling exhibition that will be shown throughout 2023 and 2024 in eight cities throughout the country: Copenhagen, Randers, Nakskov, Odense, Fredericia, Helsingør, Aarhus, Aalborg and Horsens. In each city, a local chapter is added to the general story, which not only underpins, but also nuances and puts into perspective the overall story.


With the publication of Vibeke Kaiser-Hansen's book Jødernes Danmarkshistorie – in the province published by Gads forlag and the many exciting contributions to history that came to light in connection with the preparation of the traveling exhibition of museums and archives in the respective cities, there has been a renewed focus on Jewish life in the province as part of the overall history of Jewish life in Denmark from the arrival at the beginning of the 1600th century to the present day.


We want to collect and focus on the new knowledge and realizations that have come to light in this work in a themed issue of RAMBAM. Journal of Jewish History and Culture in 2025.


We will focus on articles that seek to cover the entire period of Jewish life in the respective cities being written about, in order to better identify similarities and differences across the country.
Requirement: Articles should be max. 20 pages including footnotes. Illustrations are welcome, but should be kept to 3-5 per article for reasons of space. All articles will be peer-reviewed.
First deadline: Write no later than 1 September 2024 if you are interested in contributing an article to Signe Bergman Larsen at sbl@jewmus.dk. You must write what your proposal and topic is. 
Second deadline: The deadline for submitting the finished article is 1 February 2025. The theme issue will be published at the end of 2025.
RAMBAM is jointly published by the Society for Danish Jewish History and the Danish Jewish Museum. Responsible editors for the theme section are museum inspector Signe Bergman Larsen and museum director, Ph.D. Janus Møller Jensen.
Read more about RAMBAM and find the author guidelines for the journal here